
  • How do I get started working out at home?

    Just another list of resources to share in case anyone needs.

    At home, I have the following:

    • Walking pad
    • Dip bar
    • Adjustable dumbbells and adjustable bench
    • Pull up bar for doorway

    I’m a huge fan of and for learning calisthenics.

    If you need some tips:

    • Pick some superhuman exercises, and learn their progressions
    • Learn about full range of motion for exercises, and make full use of it
    • Stretch a lot, and don’t underestimate its importance
    • Also, develop a warm up routine that suits you
  • How do I get started with SEO?

    I’m putting together a list of resources in case anyone ever needs it.

    1. Learn straight from the horse’s mouth with
    2. Go through a quick and easy video course with

    If you really want to take things to the next level:

    • Pick 3 websites that are direct SEO competitors to each other
    • Find what are potentially their top money keywords
    • Learn about the buyer’s journey for their businesses
    • Keep an eye on new pages that spawn or what pages are frequently maintained
    • Go back in their web archives and check out their product developments

    As for tools, you’ll want to be familiar with Google Search Console and Google Analytics. Also, the industry gold standard SEO toolkits, Ahrefs and/or Semrush with Screaming Frog to start.

  • What would it take to get better at chess?

    I’ve been having a lot of fun studying chess again. For the longest time, I’ve watched grandmasters on YouTube teach or comment on games. And it’s been great! But now, I’d like to see what I can do on my own. Gotta spread our wings and try flying sooner or later, yeah?

    So where do I go from here?

    I think getting better at chess boils down to four key areas of focus for me:

    1. conditioning myself on tactics,
    2. learning end game theory,
    3. practice effective calculations, and
    4. developing an opening repertoire.

    In order for me to play decisively, I need to sniff out tactical solutions. Through conditioning and solving puzzles, I can train myself in pattern recognition. This will be helpful in playing fast and for developing an instinct in different positions. I can also practice chess tactics specific to my openings of interests, too.

    With end game theory, learning what is winning, drawn, or lost. As a result, I can evaluate positions more accurately and plan my moves accordingly. We have solved all positions with up to seven pieces, so I can lean on this to start.

    Since most of chess games is spent calculating lines to evaluate a position, it’s important that I refine this skill. To me, this means learning to avoid wasteful thinking, learning to explore positions without forgetting where I leave off, and evaluating calculated positions with accuracy. I’m not sure how to go about this yet, outside of solving chess puzzles and listening to grandmasters on how they go about evaluating or calculating from a position.

    Finally, opening repertoire is where I get to have fun learning the basics to how I want to steer the start of a game. I’ll have to decide what kind of positions I enjoy; thus, what openings to play for. There are a few in mind, and I’ve begun building a repertoire using en-croissant. This library of mine will help me prepare for future games.

    And I think that’s all for now. Ultimately, I’m either solving puzzles or building an opening repertoire for myself. We’ll see where this takes me for the next few months!

  • How do I quit holding myself back?

    I’d like to share my muses more.

    There’s something pleasurable with being able to write and share my thoughts. I think having the space to explore my thoughts deeply and understand myself better gives me a kick. After all, how often do we get to blurt our thoughts out however we see fit? Hehehe.

    I’ve always thought about blogging. Over the years, I’ve probably deleted this website 20+ times. It’s rather silly. There is a part of me that feels the need to be overly cautious. And then there’s a side that is compelled to muse.

    Honestly, I don’t want to write anything that can be detrimental to me. But we can’t really stop people from judging us, yeah? No sense in trying to control it, so may as well do what we want and go from there, right?

    .. Right?! Haha

    I think what attracts me to the idea of writing is that I can learn more about myself. Being able to put my thoughts down somewhere and beat it into shape is fun. Writing can be my creative canvas that I can will into submission, haha.

    Who knows. Maybe what I write will be helpful for me or someone who’s reading this one day. And if not, I hope you can at least enjoy reading my muses. In which case, I thank you for finding it worthy of a read!